Sunday, March 16, 2008

If you knew Torley, like we now known Torley..."

I've been reading Torley Linden's blog for a while now. His videos rock, the guy is totally brilliant. Every once in a while he comes out with something that make me wince, but normally we're spot on. Here is one of his on the fringe posts, but I have to share it. This guy cracks me up.

Guess what videoblogging on your toilet is called?


No kidding. I was in the shower, and when that happens, all sorts of ideas come to mind. When shower's done, I scramble to my computer to write them down. Sometimes I have a voice recorder on, but with the amount of water noise and reverberance, it isn't that clear.

1 comment:

▓▒░ TORLEY ░▒▓ said...

Thanx for watching... your earnesty and kindness are appreciated. :o)